Beyond the Screen Film Festival

November-January 2023-2024 Honorable Mentions

November-January 2023-2024 Honorable Mentions

November-January 2023-2024 Honorable Mentions

November-January 2023-2024 Honorable Mentions

Best Short Film

Directed by: Federico Gatti

Best Feature Film

Oliver and the Pool
Directed by: Arcadi Palerm Artis

Best Experimental Short Film

Directed by: Jorge Varela

Best Experimental Feature Film

Man with Shadow
Directed by: Ema Kugler

Best Short Documentary Film

Movie Michiko,Making and Interview
Directed by: Ryo Kagawa

Best Feature Documentary Film

The Donbass children
Directed by: Directed by Lubomir Dankov

Best Animation

Directed by: Panagiotis Rappas

Best Micro Short Film

Smoking Kills
Directed by: Steven LucheL

Best Short Film Director

Directed by: Saleh Al-Khataybeh

Best Feature Film Director

Extreme Reflections
Directed by: Dr. Teresa Herminia Mular

Best Dance Video

Directed by: Barbara Becker Holstein

Best Director Debut

Meadows’ Disturbance
Directed by: Antoine POUILLY

Best Cinematography

Directed by: Héctor Calvillo Hernández

Best Short Screenplay

Written by: Clemente Esparza, II

Best Feature Screenplay

Daisy Cowboys
Written by: Zeff Lawless

Best TV Screenplay

Mike Goes Fishing
Written by: Wayne Allen Gibson

Best Adapted Screenplay

A Tale of Two Cities in 4 Episodes
Written by: Michael O'Rourke

Best Screenplay Unproduced

Written by: Joe Graham

Best Horror

Phoenix Incident — Festival Cut
Directed by: Keith Arem

Best Comedy

Bad Director
Directed by: Seneca Robinson

Best Sci-Fi

Beverly Ever After
Directed by: John Kestner

Best Black&White Film

Queen of the Dead
Directed by: Justin Head

Best No-Dialogue Film

A Lenda | The Legend
Directed by: Alfredo Dias Gomes


For I Am Dead
Directed by: Patricia Delso Lucas

Best Historical Film
Best Original Screenplay

Lions of Florence
Written by: Ken White

Best Covid Film

Dancing is an Old Friend
Directed by: Marta Renzi

Best Sport Film

Tricycle: Ride to Arrive
Directed by: Geoff Adams

Best Trailer

«Staycation» Teaser Trailer
Directed by: Russell Emanuel

Best Symbolic Film

In Perfect Skin
Directed by: Yining Zhou

Best Independent Film

Adrienne’s Garden
Directed by: Richard Daniels

Best Inspirational Film

The Spirit of Pioneers
Directed by: César Rozas

Best Mobile Film

Larry Moon Boots
Directed by: Luis Eduardo Villamizar

Best Fantasy Film

The Protectors of Nature (English Subtitles) XP Transfer
Directed by: Fabrizio MASINI

Best Original Score

Directed by: Kevin Hanzlik

Best Choreography

No Games No Fowl
Directed by: Jennifer Scully-Thurston

Best Producer
Best Composer

Directed by: Anaya Kunst

Best Poster

Created by: Tristan Corrigan

Best Photography

The miracle of Innocence
Created by: Elaine Cristina Melo

Best Original Song

«Happy Trans Girl Like Me» — Song and lyrics
Composed by: Fran Sisco

Best Web-Series

Fix It in Post
Directed by: Bret Jones

Best Original Soundtrack

Beneath the Surface: Water Polo
Directed by: Dawn Young